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The new website went live on October 21, 2024…Thank you to everyone who visits so please take a few minutes and sign this guestbook! OOHRAH!

SSgt Nichols

Your Branch of Service

Love the new website SSgt Nichols…

Your Branch of Service

The design is AWESOME. I love it. I wouldn’t change anything. Your message to the audience is very clear and straight to the point.

Last edited 3 months ago by Anthony D. Story

Thank you, Sgt.Nichols, for your service. Your work since your Marine Corps service has been exceptional! Many people have benefited from your experience and expertise. Myself included. This website is fantastic!
Dupree (USN Veteran)

Your Branch of Service

This is an awesome platform to prepare ourselves for the greatness that lies within. Thank you SSgt Nichols for keeping us joined together past, present and future!

Your Branch of Service
Marine Corps
What Years of Service (if applicable)

Love this, excellent idea for Vets!

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349th FH
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MS Officer
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This is a well organized web site that is full of valuable information. SSgt Nichols not only gives insight on aspects of military life, but uses his expertise to provide foundation information to help you regardless of where you are in your journey. Bravo Zulu!!!

Your Branch of Service
Marine Corps
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United States

This page has so much good information! Thank you for all the help, SSGT!

Your Branch of Service
Marine Corps
What Years of Service (if applicable)

Coolest drill instructor ever!

Your Branch of Service

Truly, you are an inspiration Mike always looking for a way to help. I have been so touched by how you are always jumping in and start with a can do attitude!

Your Branch of Service

As I was Transitioning one of my biggest fears was VA Disability Compensation and exactly what I needed to do to ensure all my service connected medical and mental health conditions were captured. Throughout my career the common discussion amongst those Services Members was ensure you document any and all medical conditions, however no one ever discussed how and what the VA is looking for when deciding if your condition rates a compensation percentage or how an injury can be connected with other conditions throughout your body. The information that You Share and provide empowers the Service member (Past, Present, & Future) to understand how the VA evaluates you and educates the Service Member on exactly how to communicate and document their medical concerns conditions. Thanks SSgt Nichols…

Your Branch of Service
Marine Corps
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Occupation (Optional)
City (Optional)
Myrtle Beach
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Country (Optional)
United States


  • Zachary Garman

    Thank you SSgt Nichols for being a great mentor and someone I looked up to for a long time. You were one of the driving factors behind me becoming a DI. The new website looks fantastic!

  • Joseph Scott Ray

    Greetings SSgt Nichols,

    I wanted to reach out and tell you how much I enjoyed your broadcast with Recruit Ruiz.

    Not that you need to do a podcast with. But, I would love to share my story with you sometime , and you could share with others 

    My boot camp experience, was probably near the same as others. I was actually looking forward to service in The Corps, it all changed for me when we got orders for MOS school.
    It deflated me and I couldn’t wait to get out; I only had 3 yrs and 9 months to go.
    I hated the school, and I hated the MOS (7222 Radar Operator/Fire Control Crewman IHAWK Missile System. I wanted to be a Crash Crew person.

    So, I go to my duty station, and I was less than a stellar Marine and that’s putting it mildly.
    But, I was likeable enough and got along well with most.

    Well, I was married, lived in base housing, and was on a volunteer fire department. That association with volunteer fire department, allowed interaction with MCAS Cherry Point Air Station Fire Department. Thus, it led into a 28 yr DOD civil service career, I retired 12 yrs.

    I now work as a 911 call taker and dispatcher for a County Sheriff’s Office and I pastor 2 Lutheran Churches.

    But, here’s the great USMC side, for some reason I formed the reunion for old unit at the encouraging of our former CO. I am still dumbfounded that he put this in my hand.
    I do a regular group email, our roster is 100+ (counting spouses) and we have had 4 Alpha Battery Reunions since 2011. Our most recent was in June 2024 and we had 80 folks present.

    What the USMC should have meant to me when I served, though it didn’t then, it now does. I wish I would have understood then what I now understand and value enormously.
    I am honored to wear the title…..Marine

    Semper Fi,

    Joseph S Ray, L/Cpl

  • Dwight Triplett

    I pray that you personally get this message, I am so GLAD that you accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior

    I served in the Corps 72 – 78 did Boot at P.I., I would love to talk to you about The Lord, I’m an Ambassador for Christ also known as a pastor

    I’m on FB under:

    Dwight M Triplett

    Email: [email protected]

    God bless you saint


  • Efrem Wilson

    Great work! Continue to lead influence and inspire motivator!

  • Love the motivating colors and streamlined information.

  • Robert T Rose

    Really appreciate all you’ve done and continue to do to serve military veterans.

  • Mike Richman

    Looks great Brother! The mobile version is easy to manipulate which helps a lot. love it! Let’s go Champ!

  • Branden Kunath

    Clear, concise layout with easy-to-navigate tabs. My only recommendation would be to incorporate resilience in the Past, Present, and Future sections, as that seems to be a trait that has fallen short or is rarely mentioned among us. This would be valuable when covering transition and remaining steadfast while serving. I greatly respect your continuing service to others! Stay the course! SemperFi

  • Shane Oltman

    The website looks amazing! Looking forward to seeing how this helps so many. I wouldn’t change a thing about the site and I’ll forward it on to friends as well to share.

  • The new website looks great! Love the theme of past, present, and future.


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