Please take a moment to sign our guestbook by providing your name, email (kept private), phone number (kept private), and your military affiliation—whether you’re a Veteran, currently serving in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, Space Force, a future military member, or a civilian. Your information helps us customize our content and resources to better serve you and our entire community. 

We respect your privacy and comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The information you provide will only be used for internal purposes and will not be sold or shared without your consent. You have the right to request access to, delete, or modify your personal information at any time. For more details on how we protect your data and to exercise your privacy rights, please review our Privacy Policy or contact us directly.

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Looks great Brother! The mobile version is easy to manipulate which helps a lot. love it! Let’s go Champ!

Your Branch of Service
Marine Corps

Really appreciate all you’ve done and continue to do to serve military veterans.

Your Branch of Service
Marine Corps
What Years of Service (if applicable)
Occupation (Optional)
Ammo Tech
City (Optional)
Newport News
State (Optional)
Country (Optional)
Retired from NASA

Love the motivating colors and streamlined information.

Your Branch of Service
Marine Corps
Military Spouse
What Years of Service (if applicable)
Company (Optional)
F45 MCAS Miramar
Occupation (Optional)
Studio Manager
Last edited 18 days ago by Katie


  • Thank you, Sgt.Nichols, for your service. Your work since your Marine Corps service has been exceptional! Many people have benefited from your experience and expertise. Myself included. This website is fantastic!
    Dupree (USN Veteran)

  • Christina

    Love the new website SSgt Nichols…

    • ssgtnichols

      Thank you Christina!

    • Anthony D. Story

      The design is AWESOME. I love it. I wouldn’t change anything. Your message to the audience is very clear and straight to the point.

  • Michael "SSgt" Nichols

    The new website went live on October 21, 2024…Thank you to everyone who visits so please take a few minutes and sign this guestbook! OOHRAH!

    SSgt Nichols


We appreciate your visit and look forward to staying connected. Your input is invaluable in helping us create a supportive and inclusive environment for all who engage with our mission.
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